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Emergency Services

Emergency Measures Organization

The R.M. of Willowdale No. 153 is a member of the Crossroads Emergency Measures Organization with the Town of Whitewood and the R.M. of Silverwood No. 123.

There is an EMO Coordinator and plans in place for all types of emergencies and disasters.

In the event of an emergency or disaster situation, the municipality will follow steps in the emergency plan to provide prompt and coordinated response to emergencies. Upon confirmation of the type of disaster/emergency the municipality will commence notification of the affected ratepayers.

If you would like to confirm, update or add an email or phone number to your account with the municipality to be used in the case of an emergency or disaster, please contact the office at 306-735-2344.


The R.M. of Willowdale is located in the Broadview RCMP district.                                                                                                              The detachment is located at:                                                                                                                                                                            156 Qu'Appelle Road, Broadview, SK.                                                                                                                                                              306-696-5200.

In case of emergency dial 9-1-1.